Variable and its Scope

There are mainly 2 types of variables in Java.They are: Instance variables and Member Variables(Class variables).

Instance Variables are the variables which are created while instantiating a class.

Class variables are the normal variables which are declared casually inside a class.

Note : The static variables also come under class variables.

Datatypes Explained

In the previous section we came across the various datatypes and its categories.Lets have a deep look at them.

  • Integer Datatypes(int,byte,short,long) are used to store signed integers values.The memory size of the datatypes of byte,short,int,long are 1,2,4,8 respectively.
          Note : A long literal is generally ended with ' L '.Ex: 32L.
  • Floating Point Datatypes(float,double) are used to store the decimal type(fractional type) values.The memory size of the datatypes of float,double are 4,8 bytes respectively.The floating point literals float must end with ' f '.And double literal must take a precission of two places or else there will be a Loss In Precesion Error by compiler.
          Example : 2.8f - float literal.
                         2.85 - double literal.
  • Character Datatype(char) are used to store single Unicode characters.The memory size is 2 bytes.
  • Boolean Datatypes are used to store the values which are either true or false .

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So,we covered the Language basics till here and from next parts we will go into the more serious parts which are useful in coding.

Stay Tuned for more posts!!

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